Need service? We’ll have you back on the road quickly and safely.
The Service team at Beaver Truck Centre understands the critical nature of downtime in your business. We pride ourselves on being fast and efficient while being thorough and accurate.
With 23 bays to maximize the number of vehicles, we can work on, 38 technicians, 13 of which are Volvo certified master technician’s with over 200 years combined experience in our industry, no one is better positioned to keep you on the road
Call our Service department direct 204-632-9121
Business Hours:
6:00am – 12:30am Monday to Friday
Weekends 7:00am – 5:30pm
Toll Free: 1-800-38VOLVO
Volvo Action Service: 1 800-528-6586
You know better than anyone that every second of uptime equates to increased revenue, productivity, and opportunities. That’s why you need a transport solutions partner that offers innovative ideas to keep trucks on the road and money in your pocket.
Volvo Trucks Uptime Services is a unique suite of products and services designed to give you unprecedented control over fleet operations. Maximize uptime, increase maintenance efficiency, and protect your trucks with protection plans customized to your needs. Nothing can slow your business down when you know the road ahead.
Volvo Action Service offers 24/7 assistance anywhere in Canada and the United States. Just a phone call connects you to a member of our highly trained uptime experts, who can quickly manage service, schedule repairs, and tackle any other issue that happens on the road
Uptime Workflow process Volvo Uptime Center in Greensboro,NC